
[now open] 7 Archangels 7 Chakra’s and You

The 7 major Chakra’s are:

*Root or Basic, located at the base or your spine, focuses on issues concerning survival.

*Sacral Chakra, located just below your navel centers around relationships with others, partners, co-workers and our relationship with our self.

*Solar Plexus, located just above your navel, centers around manifestation and self-empowerment.

*Heart Charka, located in the center of your chest is the control powerhouse of our entire energy system.

*Throat Chakra, located in the center area of the throat is the focal point of communication.

*Third Eye, located in the center area of your forehead, just above the eyebrows is the portal to inner-sight.

*Crown Chakra, located just above the top of your head, is the gateway to connecting with Angels, Spirit, Divine Source and your Spiritual Path.

The 7 Archangels are…

… Root Chakra is … join us for this online class for the names of all 7 Archangels and which Chakra they will help you clear, balance and align. Archangel Chakra Therapy (click here to join us now)

In this online class you get:

*Complete Handout

*7 Archangels to Call-in

*How to activate and re-awaken all 7 Chakra’s

*List of Crystals and Gemstones



*Chakra Assessment

*Guided Chakra Meditation

This online class is a mini-intensive … a “crash-course” on 7 major Chakra’s. you will learn how to better manage those stressful, drama-filled transitions that ultimately help you heal and manifest more of what you want and less of what you don’t.

Join us today and get your onus Chakra Assessment right away. (Click here to enroll now)

Oh …. Just so you know, this class is not going to come round for another 12 months … a year is a long time to wait. So please do yourself a favor … don’t wait … do take advantage of this opportunity while it’s here now.

Archangel Chakra Therapy Online Class

“See” you soon!

Much Love, Light, Peace and Prosperity,

Angel Lady Terrie Marie, D.Ms.

PS … Learn how to “re-boot” your energy system, figure out what’s really blocking the natural flow of positive, balanced energy which increases prosperity and abundance in your life when you click here and join us today for Archangel Chakra Therapy.


[Chakra Therapy] Activate and Re-Awaken Your Chakra’s

What does it mean to activate and re-awaken you Chakra’s?

When we have gone through a Dark Night of the Soul, experiencing a transformation from who we used to be, it’s important to activate or “re-boot” your Chakra energy centers.

Each time we download or install a new program onto a computer, we must “re-boot” to make sure the changes are properly installed and fully functional.

It is the same with your physical body. Knowing how to “re-boot” or activate and re-awaken your Chakra’s will help you process and integrate your new, higher, energy vibration and clear out the “ashes” of what is no longer serving you and your highest good.

I could not have shared this with you before today because I didn’t fully understand the far-reaching effects of going through transition and the need to “re-boot” my own energy system.

Most of the time, transition arrives without bringing with it drama and the trauma of everything feeling and looking like it is literally falling apart around and within us.

During what I call — minor-energy tune-ups — we need only to clear and balance our Chakra’s.

Once we have begun to come back into the light from a Dark Night of the Soul, it is imperative to re-align our Chakra’s by activating and re-awakening … “re-booting” our physical energy system.

This is what you’ll learn how to do when you join us for Archangel Chakra Therapy. Click here to register today.

We will do this — activate and re-awaken your Chakra’s — by calling-in 7 Archangels to help you clear, balance and align all 7 major Chakra’s.

With the holidays fast approaching, knowing which Archangels to call-on will help you manage increased stress levels that just happen around this time of year.

Archangel Chakra Therapy

You will discover and learn specific “Down to Earth” techniques you can use anywhere, anytime in 60 seconds or less.

Much Love, Light, Peace and Prosperity,

Angel Lady Terrie Marie, D.Ms.

PS … This online class — Archangel Chakra Therapy — won’t be offered again until next year … November 2016. So if you’re thinking about “waiting” it will be another 12 months … that’s a really long time to wait. Join us now for Archangel Chakra Therapy … or wait till next year.


Virtual Online Readings with the Angel Lady!

Virtual Online Readings with the Angel Lady!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

*Readings by Phone and Skype by Appointment Only!

One Day Special $47 (reg $67)

30-minute Sessions

Your choice of

Tarot, Crystal Oracle, Ascended Master and Angel Readings!

Once you have received your receipt for your Virtual
Reading, contact me directly at with your 1st and 2nd appointment choices

You will receive an email confirmation from me for your appointment and call-in information.

Appointment Times are US Mountain Standard Time

Appointments are booked in order received










  Click the link below to view flyer

*You are responsible for all Phone and Skype fees


Mystical Goddess Ma’at is the Goddess of Integrity and Discernment

Egyptian Temple

Image via Wikipedia

The Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Integrity, Discernment, and Truth, Ma’at, will invoke and summon truth from the deepest recesses of shadow and darkness. If you are unsure if what is before you is truth or for your highest and best good call upon Ma’at to assist you in discerning that which lay beneath surface appearances.

Be aware if you should enlist the guidance of this powerful, yet compassionate Goddess to be in alignment for all you seek answers. Knowledge is a tool used for many things both negative and positive. She will mentor you if you are pure of heart, with only the highest of intentions for you and for others.

The gift of discernment is manifested through truth and integrity. Do not be surprised if the Goddess Ma ‘at reveals truths where there once was disillusion and deceit.

Crystals and Minerals associated with Ma’at are Tabular Quartz, Sugilite, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Green Tourmaline, Nirvana Quartz, Aqua Aura, Tanzan Aura and Tangerine Quartz.

Mystical Goddess Ma’at’s unique energy permeates or flows into and through all of your Chakra energy centers. The projection of integrity and discernment radiates outward into all you, do, say and feel.

A Message from Mystical Goddess Ma’at*

Child of light beware of the shadows in your thoughts for they become manifest into physical form. Beware of those who seek to doubt the veracity of your actions, your words and that of your heart. All is not of the shadows for there is much light in and around you always. You are of light. You are of love. How then can there be anything other than light and love within you now or ever? To discern truth for you is a gift. Call upon me; I shall be your guide through that which appears
to distracting you from you path. All is revealed in the light. All has always and will continue to be revealed in the light. Listen not to those whose words do not reflect their actions towards you or others. Look not to that which is attempting to lure you from that which resonates within your heart space. Look always to the light. Look to all that is of love and light. There is much before you in the days ahead. Trust you will be able to know that which is radiates truth for you and that which is not. Go in peace; travel the path with integrity and contentment. *channeled through Terrie Marie the Angel Lady

There are always two sides to each thought, emotion and to each action. Whether you choose light or shadow is and always will remain your choice. Seek the light and the light shall always provide for all your wants and needs.

Connect with Terrie Marie, Angels and the Realm of Spirit every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with your own Spirituality!

I invite you to visit

Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Ascended Master – St Germain and Violet Flame Alchemy


Alchemy is the ability of changing or altering base metals into gold. In terms of Spiritual Expansion, alchemy is the gift of being able to transition from dense physical energy to higher vibrations of Spirit while still in physical form. Transition leads to transformation connecting or deepening your connection with Spirit expanding your conscious awareness on many levels.

Violet is the highest color or energy vibration which is capable of burning off all unwanted negative energy. It is also capable of clearing out or cleansing unwanted thought patterns, releasing you from limiting beliefs and protects you from the negative thoughts of others.

Protection from negative energy projected by people around you is not the only form of protection that is essential for you as you travel the path before you.  It is also important for you to be aware of your own thoughts and emotions which are created in love and light not of fear and lack.

St. Germain of the Violet Flame assists everyone who seeks to be reminded of his or her own Divinity. As you work with St Germain, you begin releasing self-doubt, freeing you from limitations as you raise your vibration. Raising your vibration in turn allows you to rise above ordinary, mundane issues of everyday life in the physical realm.

St Germain resides in the highest vibrational frequency known to mankind, that of the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame extinguishes all manner of impurity, burning away collected negative energies within our physical, mental and emotional bodies.

As you expand your sense of conscious awareness, you are open to accepting transformation on a very personal level in all directions of time and space on all levels. Trusting that transformation is more than a possibility is the key to being open to all that is before you, to all that awaits you in the Realm of Spirit.

Crystals and Minerals associated with Ascended Master St. Germain are Tangerine Quartz, Carnelian, Citrine, Amethyst, Sugilite, Ametrine, Rainbow Quartz and Peacock Ore.

The primary Chakra energy centers St. Germain works with are the Crown Chakra, the Third Eye the Sacral Chakra.  This Ascended Master will assist you in you in opening your Third Eye to expand your vision of seeing both with your physical eyes and with your inner sight. Opening your Crown Chakra enables you to connect more easily with Spirit and your own Divinity. The Sacral Chakra is the center of focused energy and creativity.

A Message from St. Germain*

Child of the Violet Flame, go within seek your guidance as you seek the silence within your heart space. Let there be only love which flows from you in all directions. Let there be only that which creates a sense of sacredness within your thoughts, within your inner-Self. Be aware of all that is within and all that is around you. Be aware and acknowledge all that you are all that you have been and all you choose to become. Be willing to accept the time spaces of that which is and that which is yet to be, the in-between spaces where all transition occurs. Allow the Violet Flame to purify your thoughts, your emotions and your actions. Come from your truth radiating your Divinity as you become a beacon of Violet Light not only for you but also for others. There are many who have their eyes upon you. Do not allow the thoughts of others to hold you from your good. Do not allow your own thoughts to hold you from you good. Travel the path, the Path of Violet
Light in truth and honor. *channeled through Terrie Marie the Angel Lady

Alchemy is change, transition from one place or energy vibration to another. Transition is the gateway to transformation if you are willing to be open your heart, your mind and your Spirit to the truth of who you are. You are whole, complete and conceived in love and light a reflection of Divine Source.

Connect with Terrie Marie, Angels and the Realm of Spirit every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts!  Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with your own Spirituality!

Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Ascended Masters – St Germain and Violet Flame Alchemy


Image via Wikipedia

Alchemy is by definition the changing of base metals into Gold. Spiritual Alchemy is changing or shifting dense physical energy into higher Spiritual energy.

Violet is the highest color ray vibration, cleansing and purifying all it comes into contact with whether it be physical or Spiritual in origin. Meaning, when cleansing the physical body or Chakra energy centers utilizing the power of the color Violet enhances the depth of the cleansing.

What is Violet Flame Alchemy? It is the combination, a unique integration of both physical realm and that of the Realm of Spirit transformation. Transformation occurs as less desirable thought patterns and emotions are transformed into those of non-judgment and unconditional love and acceptance.

St Germain of the Violet Flame assists all who seek to be reminded of their own Divinity, releasing limiting beliefs. As you release self-imposed limiting beliefs, you free your inner-Self, rising above the mundane issues of everyday life in the physical realm. It is at this point you are capable of accepting unconditional transformation within and in all directions of time and space, on all levels.

This Ascended Master resides in the highest vibrational frequency known to humankind, that of the Violet Flame.  The Violet Flame extinguishes all manner of impurity, burning away collected negative energies within your physical, mental and emotional energy bodies.

A Message from St Germain*

All is well, seek the light. Step away from the shadows that seek to hold you from your good child. Be not afraid for all is consumed by the light of the Violet Flame. It shall not burn you. It shall instead cleanse, purify and elevate your sense of knowing, your sense of is yet to be.  Call upon me to cleanse your physical body and that of your Spirit. There is no other like the flame of transformation for once set upon this path there is no going back. Transformation is that of body, mind and Spirit for all are interconnected one with the other. Be at peace, you shall not perish is you choose to take the long road away from that which is calling to you. The pathway to all that awaits you shall wait your decision to proceed or remain where you are. There is no glory in denying your truth for in the end all is revealed to you. Have patience with you, the journey in physical form is filled with many distractions, many blessings and many gifts yet revealed to you. Look to yourself for there is the Spark within you now this moment which yearns to release you from all that is now behind you. Place your hand in mine, we shall travel the path as one. *channeled through Terrie Marie the Angel Lady

To connect more directly with St Germain, consider utilizing the following crystals and minerals to assist you: Tangerine Quartz, Carnelian, Citrine, Amethyst, Sugilite, Ametrine, Rainbow Quartz, and Peacock Ore.

It is with and through the Violet Flame that enlightenment and ascension are accessible. Yes, there are many paths to enlightenment and ascension. The most important point or issue to consider is this, follow your path. What is best for your highest and best, your Higher-Self is what resonates with you.

All things, all ways, all thoughts, mindsets, all that does not resonate with you leave behind you. Do not attempt to fit you into someone else’s path, for your path is yours and yours alone.

I merely share with you the path that continues to unfold before me. My sole intention is to assist you along your path and ultimately fulfilling your Life’s Purpose, nothing more, nothing less.

Connect with Terrie Marie, Angels and the Realm of Spirit every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with your own Spirituality!

Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Crystals – Crystal Healing for Integrating Body Mind and Spirit


Image via Wikipedia

Energy permeates all things; it is an integral part of everything everywhere. Cleansing and balancing energy within and around you is essential for everyone. It is especially important if you are a Light Worker or working as a healer in any profession.

One of the ways in which to re-align your energy is using crystals and minerals integrating all of your energy bodies, Aura and the Ethereal energy field. The four energy levels or energy bodies are physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual.

Each energy body is represented by a specific color ray and corresponding crystals and minerals.  Green balances the physical body. Pink or rose balances the emotional body. Blue balances and brings clarity to the mental body. Purple balances the Spiritual body.

Crystals and minerals which may be used for each of the energy bodies are:

*Physical body: Malachite, Green Tourmaline, Aventurine, Emerald, Green Jade

*Emotional body: Rose Quartz, Rose Calcite, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodocrosite, Pink Jade

*Mental body: Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Aqua Aura, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline, Sapphire, Aquamarine, Azurite, Turquoise

*Spiritual body: Amethyst, Sugilite, Lavender Jade, Kunzite, Chaorite, Tanzan Aura

In addition you will also need a pair of Clear Quartz Healing crystals, one for each hand. It is best if the Clear Quartz healers are at least 2 to 3 inches in length and about 1 inch thick or wide. Clear Quartz magnifies or intensifies the energy frequency of all other stones.

Choose crystals and minerals which resonate with you. Within the choices referenced above the stones or crystals which have the highest energy signature will offer maximum benefit. If you are unsure
which is best for you to use, take your time collecting just the right specimens.

As a reminder it is essential to cleanse all crystals and minerals before you begin any energy healing session. It is also essential to cleanse and re-charge all your healing crystals by rinsing with cool water and placing them in the Sun light for a few hours at least once a week. Light cleansing in be-tween healings using sound and incense is adequate.

The placement of the stones are as follows: green on the Solar Plexus Chakra, rose or pink on the Heart Chakra, blue on the Throat Chakra and purple on or at the Crown Chakra or directly on the Third Eye. Hold the Clear Quartz healers in both hands. The point in your left hand is to be directed towards your arm. The point in your right hand faces outward away from your body. Typically, energy flows in from the left, circulates and flows out the right of the physical body.

Before you begin invoke Angelic White Light Protection or say a prayer of protection which resonates with you. The intention is to allow your physical body to be a clear and perfect channel allowing all only that which is of love and light to flow within and around you.

If you are self-healing, lie face up placing your healing stones as stated, hold the Clear Quartz healers in your hands, focus on your breathing and allow all to simply be dissolved from you. Be willing to release all that no longer serves your highest and best good, your Higher-Self.

By invoking protection prior to any energy healing session, you are connection with Divine Source Energy allowing your entire Be-ing to release all that it has collected and stored. You may choose to take a salt bath to deepen your energy cleansing session. It is important to drink extra water during the next 24 to 48 hours to continue the physical detox process.

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts!  Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels!

Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Rainbow Angels Bridging Spirit and Physical Realms – A Summary

We have journeyed across the Rainbow and beyond exploring each color ray, discovering ways to expand conscious awareness. Being willing to explore your inner essence, the Spark of Divinity within you is essential along the path before you. No journey is ever complete in the sense that all things continue to unfold as you allow energy to flow within and around you.

What follows is a concise summary of your Rainbow journey beginning with Archangel Taharial and all of the Rainbow Angels.

Archangel Taharial is the Guardian of Rainbow Light is the Gatekeeper of Divine White Light, the Guardian of Pure Divine White Light. Archangel Taharial, whose name means, Purity of God is the
Guardian of all that is sacred, all that is of love and light.  Apophyllite is the crystal which resonates most closely with this Rainbow Guardian.

*Apophyllite, a beautiful gleaming milky-white crystal, will assist you in lifting the veil between the physical realm of matter and the Realm of Spirit

Angel Vihianna, whose is the Angel of the Realm of Violet Light is your guide to lifting the veil between the Realm of Spirit and the realm of physical matter.  Violet is seen as a color of completion for
in its wake of transformation all that remains is love and light. Spiritual expansion is in part, expanding or deepening your connection with Divine Source Energy.  Sugilite resonates with the
Angel of violet Light.

*Sugilite is a mineral of deep purple, violet, blue and red-violet encompassing the entire violet light ray. It represents the link your mental energy body has with your physical body.

Jordianna is the Angel of the Indigo Ray, whose crystal is Tanzan Aura enabling each of us to draw cosmic energy into our physical bodies offering transformation for all who seek an
expanded sense of awareness. Tanzan Aura is the crystal which most closely resonates with this color ray.

*Tanzan Aura, also known as Indigo Quartz, allowing the physical and mental body to draw cosmic energy down through the Crown Chakra, establishing a more open and direct connection with
Divine Source Energy.

Arrianna, the Angel of the Blue Ray, gifts you with peace and understanding, the ability to see beyond the moment, to travel beyond that which is now behind you. This Rainbow Angel calls
upon you to become consciously aware of your own Divinity, the Spark of Divinity within you. Aqua Aura is the crystal of the Blue Ray.

* Aqua Aura draws you in moment by moment, assisting you in releasing fear of the unknown. It offers protection from the conscious mindful negativity of others. It offers psychic protection, the opportunity for self-transformation.

Lillianna, Angel of the Green Ray, gifts you with heartfelt compassion, love and acceptance, unconditionally. Crystals associated with Angel Lillianna are Green Tourmaline and Malachite. There are many shades of green to delight the eye which enhance healing your emotional energy body.

*Green Tourmaline resonates with and assists in aligning your entire physical Be-ing and is capable of balancing all of you Chakra’s simultaneously.

* Malachite is dense and magical; it brings a sense of harmony to the Heart Center healing on many levels simultaneously. It is a stone for manifesting wealth, prosperity and great abundance.

Irianna, Angel of the Yellow Ray who blesses our path with clarity, energy, the power to manifest all we desire and more.  You are encouraged to reach through the fear of not being in control of your life, your emotions, enabling you to discern with love and through light that which is for your highest and best good. Imperial Gold is the color of the Sun and best represents Irianna’s vibrant energy.

*Imperial Gold will assist you in focusing your intentions, manifesting your heart’s desires; provide comfort and emotional balance.  It is a powerful stone for communication.

Elianna, Angel of the Realm of Orange Light gifts all with empowerment, confidence and the ability to heal relationships. Relationships begin with loving and accepting you as you are in this moment. She will instill within you a sense of confidence to move forward along your path. Citrine is the crystal which most closely resonates with the Sacral Chakra and with Angel Elianna.

*Citrine brings a sense of balance in all areas of your life, your physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual energy bodies to include your Auric and Ethereal energy fields.

Dalirianna is the Angel of the Red Ray whose energy is high, powerful, full of action and able to transform all in her path.  The base of our physical existence begins in passion and journey’s through many series of fight or flight experiences. The stones which correspond with this base energy are Carnelian and Red Jasper.

*Carnelian relieves depression, grounds excess energy, overall well-being; aids in focusing thoughts, intensify concentration, increase physical energy.

*Red Jasper It is capable of balancing your inner-Self with your outer physical body.

The crystals and minerals which will assist you in expanding your conscious connection with Angels and in particular the Rainbow Angels are:

*Angelite: instills a sense of peaceful calm and tranquility, enabling the healer to deepen his or her connection with Angels.

*Angel Aura: its shimmering light resembles a Rainbow in all its glorious colors. It will allow you to reach through the veil of forgetfulness into the Realm of Angels.

*Fluorite:the stone of the Rainbow Bridge of Light, empowering all who have the courage to step all that is known into a marvelous realm of energy and light unlike any other.

A bridge symbolizes connection, transformation, a journey from one horizon to another. The Rainbow Bridge interconnects one dimension with another, offering balance, multi-dimensional integration in
its purest form as gifted to each one of us from Divine Source Energy

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels!

Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Angels – Rainbow Angel Vihianna Angel of the Realm of Violet Light


Image by Road Fun via Flickr

Angels grace us with their energy and messages each and every day.  All you need to do is ask, Angels are by your side in the moment of the asking. Once having asked, are you open to receiving the guidance you have asked for?

Angel Vihianna, whose name means, Angel of the Realm of Violet Light is your guide to lifting the veil between the Realm of Spirit and the realm of physical matter.  She will, when asked, guide you through the veil of forgetfulness into that of remembering. Remembering is conscious awareness of who you truly are, a child of light. You are a child of light whose purpose, among many, is to be a beacon in the darkness for you and for others. A child of light is one who is unafraid of the unknown knowing there will be stones to place your feet upon or you will be taught to fly among the stars.

Violet is the highest vibration known to humankind. It is a powerful color or energy frequency which is capable of transforming, transmuting and transcending all that would attempt to hold you where you no longer wish to be, in the past.

There is much to be healed within and around each one and every living creature. There is much that has already been healed. There is much before you which requires you to assist others along their own paths of light and love. Be kind to you and others for there is much healing occurring within many on many levels in all directions of time and space.

Violet is seen as a color of completion for in its wake of transformation all that remains is love and light. Purple and red-violet are a vital part of this vibrational frequency gifting us with energies of Spiritual Expansion and the burning away of all that no longer serves your highest and best good, your Higher-Self.

Spiritual expansion is in part, expanding or deepening your connection with Divine Source Energy. It is also expanding your sense of conscious awareness, becoming observant of where you are
and where you choose to be aligning yourself with Spirit.

Sugilite is a mineral of deep purple, violet, blue and red-violet encompassing the entire violet light ray. This incredible stone has a very high vibration. It represents the link your mental energy
body has with your physical body. Its purpose is to establish or re-establish conscious control over mental faculties, enabling cosmic healing power to balance the physical body with the Ethereal Energy body.

Amethyst, known as the Healer’s Stone, is also associated with Spiritual Expansion. It will assist all who seek to be of assistance, to heal not only themselves but all who seek the light within.  Amethyst is associated with the Crown Chakra, the energy center which bridges the physical world of form and the Realm of Spirit.

A Message from Vihianna*

Beloved child, take my hand we shall journey through the veil of forgetfulness to a state or remembering who you are, a child of the Realm of Spirit. Seek the answers within your own Soul, the light is contained within it is the Spark of Divinity do you not see it? Look closely child for it is there in very core of your humble beginnings as you chose to journey into the Realm of physical matter. Expand your mind; expand your sense of conscious awareness. Look beyond that which others would have for you. Accept not that which does not resonate with you. Accept not the naysayers for they do not hold the vision you see for yourself, they look only unto themselves their sight is limited. Become the catalyst for change within you. Become the light, a beacon on the path of light and truth, of visions and dreams. Become the light for yourself as you light the way for others to see the Divinity within themselves. Become centered as you continue to expand beyond the knowing of the Universal Laws of Love and Light. Become you in all your glory. *channeled through Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady

Be willing to release all that is now behind you. Be willing to soar among the stars, freeing you, freeing your Spirit from Earthly concerns even for a few moments. Allow you to soar above the appearance of what is happening around you. Travel the Violet Light, be unafraid for you are among Angels who love and protect you beyond all that is known.

Angel Vihianna is beside you always, call upon her to assist you in mentally crossing through the veil of forgetfulness, remember who you are.

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! All you need to do is enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels!

Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Crystals and Minerals – Sugilite Stone of Higher Consciousness

Sugilite :: Locality: Wessels Mine (Wessel's M...

Image via Wikipedia

The color violet is most often associated with healing, healers and our connection to Divine Source Energy. Sugilite is among the many stones known as the Healer’s Stone, Stone of  Unconditional Love and Self-Forgiveness. It symbolizes the highest ray of light, violet, purple and violet-red. These colors disintegrate all lower negative energies within and around us.

Sugilite represents the powerful link between the mind and the physical body whose purpose is to establish conscious control over our mental thought processes. Being able to manage, not control but manage our thought processes, our mental faculties enables the healing power of the Cosmos to flow into and through our physical bodies balancing the physical with Ethereal Energy.

This is a very powerful stone or mineral which has been gifted to us by Earth Mother since the early 1980’s. It can be placed on the Third Eye Chakra to soothe, cleanse, balance and align your inner sight with your outer sight. It will enable you to see beyond physical realm limitations.

The Stone of Higher Consciousness resonates with the Crown Chakra, Third Eye and the 8th Chakra located just above the Crown. Working with Sugilite or Luvulite as it is also known, during mediation will create and prepare within the physical body a channel to receive massive amounts of healing energy, radiating in all directions of time and space on all levels in the same moment.

For the empathic healer and all who are highly Clairsentient, it will assist you in balancing your emotions and all you sense, bringing you back into alignment with your true Self.

Luvulite carries with it messages from Angels to Earthly realm of physical matter. It will assist you with integrating that which is before you with all that is now behind you. This high energy mineral stone of the violet ray dispelling self-doubt, enabling the user to channel and radiate the power of the violet-red light energy frequency.

*Angelic Realm Association: Vihianna, Angel of the Purple Ray, will assist all who ask,  in working with their Crown Chakra, expanding your sense of conscious awareness and Spiritual expansion.

*Healing Properties: releases past resentments; dissolves frustrations; bolsters self-confidence softening feelings of insecurity and distress; peacefulness, serenity and understanding

*Vibrational Frequency: very high, powerful, disintegrates lower energy vibrations

*Spiritual Properties: Spiritual Expansion; raises conscious awareness; deepens meditation

To simply gaze or focus on a piece of Sugilite often soothes my Soul. I can literally feel and sense my physical body release all it carries within allowing me to re-center, re-align all my energy bodies with Divine Source Energy.

Connect with Angels every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie, the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts! All you need to do is enter your name and email address to begin connecting with Angels!

Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide