
Hearing, Seeing and Sensing Angels All Around Me – How It All Started

Archangel Michael with archangels Raphael and ...

Archangel Michael with archangels Raphael and Gabriel, as they accompany Tobias, by Francesco Botticini, 1470 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For many years, I simply wanted to be just like everyone else so I hid behind a wall of shyness. That didn’t work no matter how hard I tried.

Many years later after I moved from Hawaii to El Paso, Texas I found a book and read it cover to cover several times over a period of 2 days. The book by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. is called Earth Angels.

This small book had a life-changing impact on me. I stopped trying to be like everyone else and instead began figuring out who I really was.

You may think this a bit strange but for all of my life until that point had been spent forgetting, stuffing and denying my truth, the truth of who I am and what I came here to do.

It didn’t happen all at once and yet once I opened myself to really exploring me and my purpose, things began unraveling and falling into place all around me very quickly.

Now I was ready to study, learn, explore and develop my gifts the very ones I had tried so hard to deny even existed. A friend introduced me to a Metaphysical Café and Bookstore.

As soon as I walked in the doors, it felt like “home”.  I enrolled in over 12 Metaphysical classes in 1 year! I met so many people who were just like me … different from everyone else … we all accepted each other without judgment even if what we saw, felt or heard was different.  It was an incredible experience!

For more than 9 years I worked for the United States Border Patrol. During this time, I held a variety of Administrative positions. The work environment was always high-level and high-stress. I knew I needed something to help me stay in the highest positive vibration possible.

One day I found a perpetual calendar by Doreen Virtue that would fit on my desk and be somewhat out of sight. After all, this was for me and not to broadcast my Spirituality.

The small calendar had images and messages from Angels. One of the messages caught my attention more than the others. I don’t even remember which message it was. I do remember what started to happen next, I sent the quote to 6 of my closest friends. That was it, nothing else.

Several days went by and one of those 6 friends sent me an email message. This friend simply said … I read this, and read and read it again …. This was a major “aha” moment. So I started sharing the Angel quotes every day with these same 6 friends.

It didn’t take long before more people wanted to receive the Angel quotes. Remember, these were still from Doreen Virtue’s calendar. Anyway, not too much more time passed and I started feeling guided to write a few lines to go with the Angel quote.

Soon I began to notice that the few lines didn’t at all reflect the Angel quote. Truthfully, I didn’t really question it because many of the people who were now on the list were telling me the messages helped them.

At some point during all of this, Desert Rose Healing Arts was born and Aromatherapy caught my attention in a very big way. I started learning and studying about Essential Oils, took a few classes and made a few perfumed oils.

Because my conscious mind was occupied, intuitive thoughts started popping into my mind about which Essential Oils to put together and how many drops for each of the oils. I even received the names for the blends.

The more I focused on learning about Aromatherapy, the more I received these intuitive thoughts. There were a few house parties and a few friends started asking me for specific blends for things like relief from tension headaches and to ease arthritis pain.

I remember taking a lot of deep breathes and wondering how to pull all of this together to help my friends. I pulled out my own reference book and started reading what the various Essential Oils did. I made a list of the oils and intuitively selected the oils. As the oils were selected, numbers started popping into my mind so I wrote them down next to each of the oils.

This is where trust really started to grow and expand because I would receive information about oil blends and write them down. Later I would research each of the oils and receive validation about what I was being given.

Even though I had felt Angels around me since I was little, I still had no clue that Angels were actually gifting me with these remarkable Essential Oil Blends.

By this time, I had been invited to attend a monthly Angel Gathering here in El Paso, Texas. It was, and still is, a healing meditation circle.  During the first part of the evening, there was a healing meditation for anyone and everyone who needed and wanted healing. The second part of the evening was an Angel meditation. The person who led the group was receiving guidance from Angels for the guided meditation.

It was during these meditations that I was able to connect directly with Angels. I loved it! Being free to leave my physical body even for a short time was a freedom unlike any other! I was free to fly!

Back to the bookstore to find a book about Angels, an Angel dictionary. Yeah! Found one by Richard Webster and another by Susan Gregg.  By now, the messages were coming directly from Angels.   Very early each morning while sipping coffee, I would open one of the Angel dictionaries and simply follow my intuition in selecting an Angel for that day’s message.

My daily practice, 7 days a week for more than 3 years was wake up at 4:45am to channel messages from Angels and send them out to more and more people.

My fingers would simply dance on the keyboard of my computer and the words would simply appear on the page. If there was any doubt that what was coming out of my fingers was truly from Angels, I would delete it. If the very same words in the very same order appeared in exactly the same way, I knew it was coming through me and not from human ego.

After about 1 ½ years of channeling messages from Archangels, I received guidance that there were to be Essential Oil blends for Angels. I resisted this for nearly 8 months. Thoughts of “who am I to be doing this, how do I know this is really coming from Archangels?”

One afternoon, the information just started streaming in through my Crown Chakra. In less than 30 minutes I had received the blends for 15 Archangels.

I was brave enough to share this information with 2 of my closest friends. I mean, this was a really big deal and I needed some help grounding my energy after such an intense channeling. Their first reaction was … excellent! When are you going to start blending them? …

Everything that comes through my fingers, through Readings and even the energy during an Energy Healing Session is all guided through me by Angels.

It is a blessing to be able to see, sense, hear and know Angels are always with me in everything I do. I speak with Angels as easily as I speak to my friends, clients and students.

This is what I want to share with you, how to connect, communicate and hear messages Angels have for you.

Angels are always with each and every one of you all the time no matter what you are doing or where you are.

Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,

Angel Lady Terrie Marie, D.Ms.


Today is the day …. Inner-Spirit site launch!!!

Hello Bright Light!

A few days ago I shared with you some exciting news about creating a BRAND NEW site whose primary focus is about Standing In Your Truth with Heart and Soul , a Spiritual Hub of information!

Well, today is “THE DAY” ….

During the past few months, I have been learning how to walk this truth … Stand In Your Truth with Heart and Soul… on a much deeper level than ever before resulting in higher vibrations of energy!

AND I want this for you too! No matter where you are on your path or if you are just starting your amazing adventure, we can … if you are willing to be open to the many possibilities … share the journey, traveling the path together!

Every day more and more people ask me about Angels, which Angels manifest prosperity, bring friends, protect from negative energy, new or better jobs, health, a loving partner, how to clear their Chakras, how to intensify their Reiki energy, what is their Life Purpose and so much more!

Let’s work together, you and me, one-on-one through an Angel Reading or an Energy Healing by clicking on the Services Tab at the top (!

Feeling stuck no matter what you try to do or no matter how much healing and releasing you have been doing? Soul Restoration Breakthrough Secrets may just be the answer you have been seeking! Click on the Coaching Tab at the top (!

Want to learn more about Metaphysics, Crystals, Ascended Masters, Mystical Gods and Goddesses and Angels? Click on the Blog Tab at the top (!

Is there something you want help with ….  Click on the Prayer Request image on the right side ( your confidential Prayer Request will be placed into thee Angels prayer box.

Want to become attuned with your Soul vibration? Soul Essence is a blend of Organic Essential Oils specifically for you received from Angels through me … (

No matter what you are working with or through emotional, mentally, physically or Spiritually, I can help you. It’s all about you and your Inner-Spirit and how you Stand In Your Truth with Heart and Soul …. You are invited to visit by clicking here ….

Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,

Terrie Marie the Angel Lady, D.Ms.


I have a question to ask you about Angel messages …

Archangel Michael with archangels Raphael and ...

Archangel Michael with archangels Raphael and Gabriel, as they accompany Tobias, by Francesco Botticini, 1470 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hello Bright Light,

In the beginning of learning to stand in my truth with heart and Soul, before I had a clue as to what that meant or how to do that, I began to send out Angels messages to a few very close friends.

Back then, there was no real email list, I simply followed guidance and “added” my friends to a list I sent from my personal email account with messages from Angels.

At first, it was a line of quoted text from Doreen Virtue’s virtual calendar. I simply typed the quote and sent it out to about 6 of my friends. Actually, I sent one quote because it resonated very deeply. That was it. No other quotes, just that one.

Several days later, I received an email from one of those friends saying …. I read this and read it and read it again … as it has been said “a light bulb went off” and I started sharing the quotes every day.

After a short time, I began sharing short messages below the quote. It wasn’t long before I began to notice that the messages there were “appearing” had absolutely nothing to do with the quote. Soon, there were no longer quotes just messages.

Each day I would literally take a deep breath and wonder how this was happening and who was I to be sharing this information through these messages. It was a challenge to “set the ego chatter-mind aside” and simply allow the messages to come through my fingers as I sat with my fingers above the keyboard of my laptop.

It has been nearly 2 years since the days of Daily Angel messages and there have been quite a few people literally from around the world who ask me …. Terrie Marie why don’t we get daily Angel messages anymore …

This is the question I want to ask you … if this were once again offered … Daily Angel messages …. would this be something you would be interested in receiving?  If your answer is “Yes!” let me know by posting your comment.

Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,

Terrie Marie the Angel Lady, D.Ms.

Ps… this is how Angels started working with me so many years ago in a very real and conscious way ….


Keep looking for the next breakthrough!


IMG_3545_3_4 (Photo credit: pingc)

Hello Bright Light!

Each and every day there are many, many choices for growth and expansion along your Spiritual Path and my path is no different!

In an effort to be of better service to you in making available clear information about Metaphysical and Spiritual topics and how to work with me … whether it is through an Angel Reading, Coaching, Energy Healing, StairWay to Inner-Enlightenment Academy of Metaphysics or in a group or private extended program ….. a Spiritual Hub of information is being created just for YOU!

Part of my path is to help you along your Spiritual Path with compassion, unconditional love, total acceptance and honoring the choices you make along the way.

As with all things, there is always a learning curve, opportunities for expansion both Spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

The best part of this is that in a few days you will receive an email sharing the exciting “unveiling” of my BRAND NEW site whose primary focus in addition to being a Spiritual Hub of information and opportunities to work with me is … Stand In Your Truth with Heart and Soul!

During the past few months, I have been learning how to walk this truth … Stand In Your Truth with Heart and Soul … on a much deeper level than ever before resulting in higher vibrations of energy!

AND I want this for you too! No matter where you are on your path or if you are just starting your amazing adventure, we can … if you are willing to be open to the many possibilities … share the journey, traveling the path together!

Every day more and more people ask me about Angels, which Angels manifest prosperity, bring friends, protect from negative energy, new or better jobs, health, a loving partner, what is their Life Purpose and so much more!

Watch your in-box for the announcement of this BRAND New Spiritual Hub AND Stand In Your Truth with Heart and Soul!

For you and your Path …

Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,

Terrie Marie the Angel Lady, D.Ms.


Did You Know Having An Attitude of Gratitude Can Get You What You Want?!

Domesticated ducks. Sydney, Australia.

Domesticated ducks. Sydney, Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


How to Heal Your Prosperity Mind-Set

Wednesday, May 16th at 9:00pm New York Time (8:00pm Central; 7:00pm Mountain; 6:00pm Pacific)


Hello Bright Light,

It’s true, having an attitude of gratitude can get you want you want. Can it really be that simple?

Yes, it can. In this BRAND NEW OnLine class, I will show exactly how having and expressing a sincere attitude of gratitude will help you get what you want.

It is also about telling a different story about your current reality.

Bonus tip: telling a different story isn’t about denial or ignoring where you are or your current circumstances.

I will show you how coming from your heart center will help you release attachments to negative thoughts and the emotional energy that has kept you from what you really want in your life!

Are you ready to begin attracting more prosperity and abundance into your life starting right now?!

Register now for my BRAND NEW How to Heal Your Prosperity Mind-set – details are here:

Prosperity Mind-Set OnLine Class — click on the link below

(and yes, the call will be recorded if you can’t make it live)

Don’t miss out on getting ALL of what I will be sharing with you in this BRAND NEW OnLine Class!

You don’t want to miss this easy done-for-you way of releasing outdated thought patterns and the emotional energy that is tied to those no-longer-useful thoughts and ALL the CONTENT I’ll be sharing with you!

Register today because this Prosperity Mind-Set OnLine Class is tomorrow, May 16th!


To you and your path….

Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,

Terrie Marie the Angel Lady, M.Msc.

Ps….are you on your Spiritual Path and really want to make a difference and help more men and women  … then let’s get you registered right away for this BRAND NEW OnLine class because it’s happening tomorrow May 16th at 9:00pm New York time!

Prosperity Mind-Set OnLine Class — click on the link below

PPs… you are welcome to recommend this OnLine Class to your friends, followers, fans and colleagues. Feel free to forward this email to them – just be sure to register yourself first!

Prosperity Mind-Set OnLine Class — click on the link below


Your Chakra’s and Heal Your Prosperity Mind-Set


Chakra (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How to Heal Your Prosperity Mind-Set

Wednesday, May 16th at 9:00pm New York Time (8:00pm Central; 7:00pm Mountain; 6:00pm Pacific)


Hello Bright Light,

Your Chakra energy centers, more specifically your Root Chakra and your Solar Plexus Chakra are the key to opening and aligning with your prosperity and abundance energy.

The Root or Basic Chakra is what keeps you grounded and in-tune with Earth Mother. It is also the Chakra for survival, basic material needs, career choices and physical safety.

Your Solar Plexus Chakra is the bridge between your physical energy Chakra’s and your Spiritual energy Chakras.

Can you imagine just for a moment what this means for you? It means that when your Chakra energy centers are balanced and your thoughts and emotions become aligned with your inner-most desires, there is nothing that is stopping you from attracting more prosperity and abundance into your life!

Can it be that simple? Yes, it can. It is also about learning how to heal and release your current thought patterns and emotional energy so that you can shift your prosperity mind-set, creating a vacuum or void that Angels and the Universe fill with what you want.

In this BRAND NEW OnLine training call you’re going to discover:

*How to heal your current prosperity mind-set with grace and ease

*The importance of aligning your thoughts and your emotions with your new prosperity consciousness

*Explore ways to be in state of gratitude and appreciation attracting more prosperity to you

*How to align your Chakra energy centers, releasing blocked and stagnant energy that has been preventing you from attracting financial prosperity into your daily life

*How to create a new prosperity mind-set, allowing Angels to help you manifest financial prosperity and abundance in a big way

*How to heal and release attachments to negative thought patterns and emotions that are subconsciously holding you in a place of resistance and blocking your prosperity energy

*How telling a different story helps you attract more of what you want in your life and less of what you don’t want

Register now for my BRAND NEW How to Heal Your Prosperity Mind-set – details are here:

Click on the link below

(and yes, the call will be recorded if you can’t make it live)

Whether you have just started to heal your prosperity consciousness or you have been working on your current mind-set for a while, imagine how much easier it will be for you knowing even ONE or TWO of my secrets!

Don’t miss out on getting ALL of what I will be sharing with you in this BRAND NEW OnLine Class!

Register now to get all the CONTENT I’ll be sharing with you. All you have to is click on the image below, then click on “add to cart” and then “checkout”.

To you and your path….

Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,

Terrie Marie the Angel Lady, M.Msc.

Ps….are you on your Spiritual Path and really want to make a difference and help more men and women  … then let’s get you registered right away for this BRAND NEW OnLine class because it’s happening in just a few days!

Click on the link below

PPs… you are welcome to recommend this OnLine Class to your friends, followers, fans and colleagues. Feel free to forward this email to them – just be sure to register yourself first!

Click on the link below


How to Heal Your Prosperity Mind-Set ( training call)

Hoard of ancient gold coins

Hoard of ancient gold coins (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How to Heal Your Prosperity Mind-Set

Thursday, May 10th at 9:00pm New Work Time ( training call)

(8:00pm Central; 7:00pm Mountain; 6:00pm Pacific)


Hello Bright Light,

Are you feeling stuck and not quite able to attract increased financial prosperity into your life?  Did you know that in order to attract what you want, your thoughts, emotions and your energy need to be aligned?

If you answered “No” to either of these questions, there is good news. Actually, there is some really great news because I am offering you an opportunity to join me for my Brand New How to Heal Your Prosperity Mind-Set Complimentary call on May 16th at 9:00pm New York Time!

In this COMPLIMENTARY call you’re going to discover:

*Why it’s important to align your thoughts and your emotions so that you can start to attract more prosperity and abundance into your life right away.

*Why being in a state of gratitude and appreciation is essential in releasing you from unconsciously sabotaging yourself and creating the prosperous mind-set you really want.

*How blocked and stagnant energy is keeping you in a state mental and emotional of lack which is preventing you from really creating the kind of income you desire to have.

Register now for this COMPLIMENTARY call now as its coming up in THIS WEEK – details are here:

Prosperity Mind-Set Complimentary Call

(and yes, the call will be recorded if you can’t make it live)

Whether you have just started to heal your prosperity consciousness or you have been working on your current mind-set for a while, imagine how much more you will heal and release by knowing even ONE of my secrets.

Don’t miss out on getting ALL of what I will be sharing with you in this COMPLIMENTARY TRAINING call!

Register now to get all the CONTENT I’ll be teaching at no-cost.

Prosperity Mind-Set Complimentary Call

To you and your path….

Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,

Terrie Marie the Angel Lady, M.Msc.

Ps….if you are Healer, Intuitive Reader or a Light-Worker who really want to make a difference and help more people … let’s get you registered right away for this no-cost call happening this week!

Prosperity Mind-Set Complimentary Call

PPs… you are welcome to recommend this complimentary call to your friends, followers, fans and colleagues. Feel free to forward this email to them – just be sure to register yourself first!

Prosperity Mind-Set Complimentary Call


Soul Essence for you and just you …

Heathcote National Park

Heathcote National Park (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hello Bright Light,

Are you looking for something very special to give to yourself or to the Lady or Man in your life?

Would you like to have a special, made- just- for-you scent, a scent that no other person on this entire planet has or will ever have?

Soul Essence is exactly that. It is a very special scent created just for you, with you and for you and your Soul Vibration.

You are unique and special. There is no one else like you anywhere. Why shouldn’t you have something that is as unique as you are?

Each Soul Essence is made from Organic Essential Oils. The blend itself is created just for you, a true reflection of your Inner-Spirit.

Your Essential Oil Blend is received during meditation from Angels for you and your Soul Vibration. Holding you and your energy in my heart, I ask Angels for the right and perfect combination of Essential Oils specifically for you.

Are you ready to align your heart and Soul?

In honor of Mother’s Day, I am offering Soul Essence at a very special savings. The thing is, the special savings is over May 7thClick on the link below to request your Soul Essence now.

No other person on this Planet will ever have an identical Organic Essential Oil blend like yours; this is my promise to you and from Angels who guide me.

I would love to create a Soul Essence just for you!

To you and your path…

Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,

Terrie Marie the Angel Lady, M.Msc.

Ps…get your Soul Essence today! The special savings ends May7th click on the link below to get yours!


Stand In Your Truth with Heart and Soul

Barn Owl in flight at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary

Truth is that which resonates deep within your heart center and within your Soul. It is about integrity with who you are. It is about having the courage to know what is real for you and what is not.

Are you aware of what your truth, your Inner-Spirit Truth is? In part it is all things, thoughts and emotions that, blended all together reflect the Spark of Divinity within your inner core, your Inner-Spirit.

It is that part of you that keeps you moving forward no matter how many times you want to say enough, I don’t want to play anymore.

This is not about giving in or giving up because the path becomes challenging at times.

This is not about feeling sorry for yourself or wishing your life was different.

It is about knowing the difference between having a moment of feeling overwhelmed or having doubt than simply refusing to take the one step you know you have to take because in reality there truly is no other choice except to move forward.

It is about knowing that you are walking your Spiritual Truth with passion, compassion and unconditional love for yourself and every other living, breathing creature.

Standing in your truth with heart and Soul means understanding and accepting you just as you are in this moment with all the dings, scrapes, all the bruises and all of the scars that tend to rise to the surface just in case you forgot how difficult it can be to simply keep stretching and stretching beyond everything you have ever known.

It means being able to reach out to someone when you have once again come up against another wall that threatens to block you from your dreams, from healing and even from fulfilling your Life’s Purpose.

Be willing to get up again and again rising to the next challenge, the next hurdle that attempts to distract you from all that you came to do in this lifetime, in this place and in this time.

Take a step back, remember to breathe and know you are supported and loved beyond measure.

Use your gift of discernment to realize what is being manifested and what is a time of rest. Be willing to see beyond the moment, practicing gratitude for what is, while you always keep looking to the horizon for the next rainbow filled moment worthy of celebration.

Stand in your truth means accepting who you are and having the courage to speak your truth to yourself. It means having the courage to keep silent when you know your truth and your energy are unwelcome.

It means accepting that some cannot see you because the light that radiates from within is too bright causing you to be invisible.

Allow all you are to begin resonating with your Soul Vibration. Be willing to rise to the next level and the next and the next. Be willing to flow with Divine Energy instead of against it.

Offer non-resistance to those who would cause you harm. Hold firm to your truth from your heart center knowing that no matter what you are walking your Spiritual Path with integrity, passion, compassion and unconditional love and acceptance.

Standing in your truth with heart and Soul requires strength and courage to be true to you and all that resonates within you.

Connect with Terrie Marie the Angel Lady, M.Msc., Angels and the Realm of Spirit every day when you click this link from Terrie Marie the Angel Lady and Desert Rose Healing Arts!  Enter your name and email address to begin connecting with your own Spirituality!

Copyright 2012 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Sacred Blue Lotus Regeneration

Indian Lotus, Sacred Lotus, Bean of India, Lot...

Indian Lotus, Sacred Lotus, Bean of India, Lotus, Nelumbo nucifera, Family: Nelumbonaceae, Location: Italy, Verbania (Lake Garda), Botanic garden Deutsch: Indische Lotosblume, Nelumbo nucifera, Familie: Nelumbonaceae, Fundort: Italien, Verbania (Gardasee), Botanischer Garten (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tuesday, April 24th, 25th and 26th at 7:00pm New York Time

How to Heal and Release the Past Forever OnLine TeleSeminar  

Hello Bright Light!

What is Sacred Blue Lotus Regeneration? It is about renewal. It is about creating sacred spaced within your core-essence. It is about experiencing a special guided meditation that re-creates within you a sense of peaceful bliss unlike any other.

This guided meditation was gifted through me for you. It mirrors the rising of the Sacred Blue Lotus for 3 consecutive days and nights.

This Sacred Meditation is about creating a sense of renewal, experiencing the cycle of life, death and re-birth, giving and receiving and regeneration.

Because this is a very special guided meditation that is meant to be practiced 3 days in a row, you will be guided through this meditation during each of the 3 calls so that you are able to experience it completely.

I don’t want you to miss out on an extraordinary journey to release all that no longer serves you or your Higher-Self. I encourage you to register right away (click here) and join me as I personally walk you through exactly How to Heal and Release the Past forever during this 3-Part Live TeleSeminar.  Your life will never be the same!

This TeleSeminar Event starts tonight April 24! All 3 calls (April 24, 25 and 26) are being recorded so that you can listen to them at your convenience. Do make every effort to join us for the live calls because you will have the opportunity to ask questions during each of the calls!

So what is this TeleSeminar all about? It is about helping you heal at a deeper level than ever before and releasing the past forever! Click on the link below for details about this unique TeleSeminar Journey.

Today is the last day to save 20% off the full TeleSeminar fee of $97! This TeleSeminar will not be offered again until 2013 AND it will never be this low again!

This may be the first time you are hearing about this How to Heal and Release the Past Forever 3-Part TeleSeminar and I want to share a little bit about it with you ….

*You’re going to experience Unconditional Love with Archangel Jophiel

*You’re going to discover how to reconnect your Body, Mind and Spirit and experience wholeness anytime you want

*You’re going to discover how to create renewal and regenerate your physical body, your Aura and your Spirit

*You’re going to discover how to release the past forever!


Bonuses Created Just for YOU:

*Metaphysical Laws and Principles HandOut

*Symbolic Meanings of the Color of Candles

*Burning Bowl Done-for-You Template

*Recordings of All 3 Calls (even if you can’t make the Live calls!!!)

I have created a special Bonus offer just for you. Click on the link below to get your Silver Upgrade Package and to see what it includes.

It is time to release all that no longer serves you freeing you from all that is now behind you. To reserve your spot, click on the link below today and claim your spot for this one-of-a-kind 3-Part TeleSeminar Series!

Once you have registered, you will receive your call-in and WebCast information for your How to Heal and Release the Past Forever OnLine Class.

I look forward to “seeing you” on the call!

To you and your path …

Rainbows and Waterfall Blessings,

Terrie Marie the Angel Lady, M.Msc.

Ps…. Today is the last day to save 20% off the full TeleSeminar fee of $97! You can attend by Phone OR by Live WebCast! Register today!

PPS…this TeleSeminar will not be offered again until 2013 and it will never be this low again … are you sure you want to wait until “next time” to clear the past?