
Please add your healing energy with mine …

Plz add your compassionate healing energy with mine…

Angels we ask that we seek within our very Soul that space where we KNOW we are all ONE no matter the color no matter the beliefs no matter the practices of others.

Angels we ask to “see” our many differences, acknowledge what is and choose to “see” beyond ugliness, violence and hatred no matter the reason no matter lessons taught by the unawakened.

Angels we ask for healing first for our hearts that have been broken, shattered and torn apart.

Angels we ask for healing for all who share this planet Earth … soften hearts and minds of all who walk, crawl, hop, slither and fly …

Angels we ask for harmony, peace, balance, healing and acceptance for one another and for ourselves so that all may walk the land in peace, with full belly’s, love in our hearts and gratitude in our thoughts.

Thank you. So be it and so it is …


Prayer Request for Our Planet

Angels we ask you calm the waters … the oceans … the lakes … the rivers …

Angels we ask you calm the winds … easing tornadoes, hurricanes, wind storms of all kinds

Angels we ask you heal the land, heal the people, heal the animals …

Angels we ask you give comfort to all who are affected by all that is happening as the energies continue to shift causing rifts in the air, land and sea.



Prayer Request for Connecticut

Angels we ask you to comfort all families and friends of all who are no longer with us in Connecticut

Angels we ask for healing on all levels in all directions of time and space

Angels we ask for the safety of all children every where from this day forward

Angels we ask for the protection and safety of all have and continue to experience grief at the very deepest levels of Spirit and that of their Soul

Angels we ask you to guide all to the Light and Loving Healing Energy you graciously give for the asking


Prayer Request for All Who Are in the Path of Hurricaine Sandy

Angels we ask you calm the seas

Angels we ask you calm the winds

Angels we ask you soften the rains

Angels we ask you protect, guide and comfort all who find themselves or their loved ones in the path of Hurricane Sandy

So Be it and so it is.


Prayer Request for all the Animals of this Planet

Nature - Animal - Wildlife - White White-taile...

Nature – Animal – Wildlife – White White-tailed Deer (Photo credit: blmiers2)

A good quality example of a Dartmoor Pony. The...

Warning!!!...Tiger in training...:O))

Warning!!!…Tiger in training…:O)) (Photo credit: law_keven)

Prayer Request for all the Animals of this Planet

 Angels as for your loving intervention in the name of all animals everywhere for the following …

Angels we ask for love and compassion

Angels we ask for health and well-being

Angels we ask for comfortable shelter

Angels we ask for enough food and water

Angels we ask for safety and protection

Angels we ask for humane treatment

Angels we ask for healing of body, heart and Spirit

In full faith and gratitude …..


Prayer Request – Colorado Springs, Colorado

Angels of the Earth and Sky calm the winds

Angels bring rain to quench the land

Angels protect all who walk, crawl and fly wherever there is fire

Angels begin the healing for all who have lost their homes to the fires

Angels begin the healing of the land so that all may once again feel and be safe in their homes

Angels we thank you for all you do


Prayer Request – Peaceful Healing

Healing Garden at Celebration Health.

Healing Garden at Celebration Health. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Angels we ask for peaceful healing in all places and in all faces.

Let there be only that which is of the highest and best good for everyone no matter the circumstances.

Allow compassion to flow easily and freely from the heart center of everything living, breathing being whehter the being is 2 legged, 4 legged, creepy-crawley or the winged creatures among us.

Many things are happening to many people. We ask for peacful resolution to all that is front of each and everyone being both physical and animal.

Angels we ask for and give thanks for peaceful resolution and healing in all places and in all faces.


Prayer request – Peace and Harmony in the Workplace

Angels we ask you for peace and harmony in the workplace

Angels we ask for healing in the workplace

Angels we ask for clear, respectful communication in the workplace

Angels we you to clear out and remove all that is not of love and light in the workplace

Angels we you to fill the nooks and crannies, the offices, the cubicles, the hallways and doorways with divine white light and unconditional love

Angels we thank you for hearing and honoring our request

Thank you for this and all you do ….


Prayer Request – Restore Faith, Trust, Belief

Angels we ask for forgiveness in having lost Faith in the unseen

Angels we ask for healing in body, mind and Spirit knowing all is restored in trusting all is given in the moment of the asking

Angels we ask for renewal of Spirit knowing, trusting and believing that all is well unfolding before us

Angels we give thanks for all you do and you continue to do on our behalf


Prayer Request – Earthquakes Healing Around the World

Tree front

Image via Wikipedia

Angels we ask for the calming of the Earth

Angels we ask for the waters of the Great Oceans to remain calm

Angels we ask for healing for all who have been injured in any way

Angels we ask for healing of Earth Mother and Sky Father so that all may live in peace and harmony

Angels thank you for this and all you do for all of us ….